Dove Visibly Smooth Challenge: The Results

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Ok, so it's been more than 30 days since I started the Visibly Smooth Challenge.

The results?

My underarm hair was definitely changed. I can't really say whether the LOOK of my hair decreased, but I can certainly say that the FEEL of it did.

I can also say that the Dove Visibly Smooth products made shaving a lot easier - there was no need to go back and forth over the area a couple times - once was enough.

I still found it hard to remember to apply it nightly - which it why I went over the 30 day trial period - I wanted to make sure that I did indeed, use it for 30 days.

So, would I recommend it to a friend?

Sure, why not. It's not a miracle product, but it helps to ease shaving, so I would hope that would lead to less razorburn and other irritations. I fairly happy with the product, but I'm not sure that I would continue using it - only because I can get quite lazy and forgetful with daily application.

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