2012: Year in Review

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 has come and gone. Can you believe it? Where did the time go? It seems as though it was yesterday I was making my first New Year’s resolution.

In 2012 I resolved to try something new every month. I think I succeeded.

January: rode in an ambulance and got CT scan
February: went on a date with a complete stranger (in NYC no less!)
March: applied for a job I didn’t have a chance in getting, but landed among the top 3 candidates
April: signed up for the Bar Method’s 90 Day Challenge
May: took a leap of faith
June: applied for my first out of Province job
July: attended a wedding solo where I'm not really tight with anyone other than the bride and groom (Yes, it’s just as awkward as it sounds)
August: went to my first music festival
September: took my first overnight bus trip from Ottawa to NYC and back
October: joined the FHFF team/started shamelessly promoting myself to strangers in Ottawa to get a job
November: started my first French novel (I’m still reading it…)/met 1-on-1 with the Associate of my department/submitted my first article for print
December: did the bone luge at Wildebeest

2012 was a bit of a tough year for me, but it's ended on a solid, good note and I can't wait to share it with you. 

Did you manage to keep your 2012 resolution? What are you resolving for 2013?

Have a happy and safe New Year! See you in 2013!

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