Counting Days...

Monday, August 31, 2009
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was spent in the sun playing in the playoffs for the slo-pitch team I (semi) begrudgingly play for. We ended up tied for 3rd and I have the most amazing sunglasses tan.

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, will know that I had a mild panic attack earlier today. I had to book airfare and I just have a hard time spending so much money so quickly. But, I know in the end it will totally be worth it.

I'm going to New Zealand!!


I am so excited! I'll be meeting my boyfriend over there and we'll br driving the North Island with his brother and cousin for about a week before he heads back home. Then I'm going to stay for another 10 days and see more of the island and catch up with a couple friends.
The worst part about booking a trip is the anticipation that comes. I can hardly wait to leave. I just imagine the next 25 days crawling by just to torment me.
But in the meantime, I get to think about all the things to bring with me and how they'll fit into my backpack.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so excited for you! Haha I want lots of updates, photos, and travel stories when you return.